The OP probably has a FactoryTalk activation, which is tied to a particular hardware identifier on the computer. The activation file was not tied to a particular value you enter during installation or to a particular computer. Inventory Management System Project In Jsp Free Download.
The 'installation diskette' hackcoder refers to was the old EVRSI activation system. Standard starts with 1203 Pro starts with 2022 Mini starts with 1635 Full starts with 2445 Edit: I forgot to list the paths for the XP registry keys: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Rockwell Software RSLogix 5000.1 Last Version UserInfo Serialnum HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Rockwell Software RSLogix 5000.1 Support ProductID HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Rockwell Software RSLogix 5000.1 UserInfo Serialnum
Logix only cares about the first 4 numbers of the serial number. The fix for this is to modify the registry! On 64-Bit systems, these are the keys that need to be modified: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE WOW6432Node Rockwell Software RSLogix 5000.1 Last Version UserInfo Serialnum HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE WOW6432Node Rockwell Software RSLogix 5000.1 Support ProductID HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE WOW6432Node Rockwell Software RSLogix 5000.1 UserInfo Serialnum Change the serial numbers listed in all 3 of these keys to the correct serial number and then your activation will work.